There are Student Accident Insurance forms available for all students. Please come to the main office to pick them up.
Attention Jr. boys football team prospects. Please see the information and sign up sheets outside the main gym doors along the main hallway regarding the jr. football tryouts that will take place after school this week on Wednesday and Thursday.
Any student athletes that have transferred to UCC from another high school and wish to play varsity sports are asked to see Mr Denomy this week in the PE office for Transfer Details. The first transfer meeting is early September and it is imperative to get the process started early to become eligible.
Cheerleading tryouts are on Tuesday, September 10 at 6:30 am in the gym.
For anybody who was in Concert Band last year, there will be a meeting Wednesday at 2:30 in room 816.
There will be a Music Society Executive meeting Wednesday at 3:00 in room 921.
Boys interested in trying out for the UCC Boys GOLF team should sign up outside of the math office (Room 305). Boys should be able to score below 90 for 18 holes to try out. The tryout is THURSDAY September 5th at 3pm at Country View Golf course. There is a COST of $10. For details see Mr. Seward up in the Math Department.
Senior Boys Volleyball Tryouts will be held Tuesday at 2:30 in the gym. Any players wishing to play that cannot attend need to see Mr. Denomy today.
All Fall Varsity tryout information for all teams can be found on the gym door including many junior teams for Grade 9 & 10's.
The Pedagape club will start up next Monday. If you are interested in joining, or returning, please stop by room 919 after school. If you feel called to spread kindness throughout our school and community, please stop by on Monday.
The Rosary club will be meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, at the beginning of both lunches. Everyone is welcomed to the school chapel during their lunch break, for the calming and spiritual meditations of the Rosary.
Senior Girls Basketball Tryouts will run Tuesday September 3rd at 4:00pm, Wednesday September 4th at 5:30 and Thursday September 5th at 2:30. Please see Mrs. Bromley or Ms. Mommersteeg with any concerns.
There will be Jr Girls basketball tryouts starting Wednesday from 2:30-4pm and on Thursday from 5:30-7pm. If you cannot make it and wish to tryout, please see Mr. Culverwell in Rm 103 or Mrs. Lucarelli in Rm 909.
Hamburger $2.90 or 2/$5.00
Poutine $4.75
Salads, sandwiches, cookies & muffins
PieZano’s Pizza $3.60/slice or 2 for $6.40 with Jet Juice