Attention Grade 9 Students! Are you interested in travelling to Ottawa, Montreal and New York City this summer? UCC is hosting a parent meeting on Monday October 28th to learn about our Travel for Credit Careers and Civics course. Please bring your parents Monday, Oct. 28 at 6pm for more information. More information in the main office.
Bring your toonie to get your Henna Tattoo design on lunch this Thursday to support Breast Cancer!
Computers are everywhere and there is a huge need for people who know how to write computer programs. Grade 9 and 10 students are invited to try the Beaver Computing Contest, a logic and problem solving contest where you try solving some problems that computer scientists solve every day. No experience necessary. If you are interested, see Mr. Devet in Room 402 during second lunch today.
Student Council is looking for two students to be Lance, our school mascot. If you’re interested, please see Ms Iacovella and Mrs Lacina in room 105 during first or second lunch this Thursday.
Hey grade 9’s! If you’re looking to play some fantastic games on Tuesday October 29th come down to the new caf on your lunch for a spooktacular time where there will be lots of prizes, candy and fun!
Congrats to the senior girls bball team who defeated St. Pat’s last night 55-46. Diana L lead the team with 14 points, 10 of them scored in the 4th quarter, Elliot C had 13, including 4 three pointers, Adele C chipped in with 8 and Mackenzie B and Zayda S both tossed in 6 key points as well. This win secures home court advantage for playoff action. Stay tuned for details!!!
Games Club running tonight 2:30-4:00. Hope to see you there!
Eclectic Java #12 (the coffee house for all kinds of music) will be on November 8. Auditions are October 28 and 30. We'd love to hear both new and repeat performers. Sign up on the music board by the foods room, or look for posters to see how to sign up online.
Senior Reach for the Top practice on Thursday is cancelled due to Parent-Teacher Interviews. See you next week!
Hotdog with fries or salad or cookie and small drink $5.00
Hotdog $3.00
Bring a friend and 2 can dine for $9.99
Guess the weight of the pumpkin and win free lunch for a week!