Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Thursday, October 24th, 2019

For only a toonie come get a Henna Tattoo design on lunch today outside of the caf to help support Breast Cancer.

Attention Grade 9 Students!  Are you interested in travelling to Ottawa, Montreal and New York City this summer?   UCC is hosting a parent meeting on Monday October 28th to learn about our Travel for Credit Careers and Civics course.   Please bring your parents Monday, Oct. 28 at 6pm for more information.  More information in the main office.

Hey grade 9’s! If you’re looking to play some fantastic games on Tuesday October 29th come down to the new caf on your lunch for a spooktacular time where there will be lots of prizes, candy and fun!

Science Help is cancelled on Thursday due to Parent-Teacher Interviews.

Breaking News!  THIS JUST IN!  The Jr. Boys football team did something last night that they had not done in 4 years.  They LOST a football game! The good news is they get to play CKSS next Wednesday in a semi final game and should get a second shot at St. Pats in two weeks.  Congratulations Blue on one heck of a winning streak!

Senior Reach for the Top practice on Thursday is cancelled due to Parent-Teacher Interviews.  See you next week!

SHAD is a summer enrichment program for Grade 10 and 11 students that focuses on science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics and entrepreneurship.  Students spend the entire month of July living at a university campus.  This year’s program includes a real-world design challenge that asks students to work on issues such as food security, water management and waste.  The application deadline is November 18.  Go to shad.ca or see Mr. Estoesta in Guidance for more information. 

Esports is cancelled due to parent/teacher interviews and a PA day on Friday. 

Hey Lancers! If you’re a grade 9/10 and are interested in student council and running things like semi formal, other school wide events and partaking in our annual leadership camping trip, come to room 105 on Monday at 2:30 to pick up an application!

Hey Lancers, Halloween is fast approaching and Student Council would like you and your 4th period class to participate in our annual door decorating contest! Winners will receive a prize. Judging will occur on Thursday- Halloween! Other Halloween week festivities will be posted around the school!

Enviro Club is cancelled tonight.  Due to the Parent-Teacher Interviews, the Enviro Club will not run tonight.  See you next Thursday.


Pizza with fries and small drink $4.99

Donuts $1.25

Bring a friend and 2 can dine for $9.99

Guess the weight of the pumpkin and win free lunch for a week!

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