Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Tuesday, December 7th, 2021

Attention all aspiring actors and performers – the NTS Drama Festival will be running at the Capitol Theatre in APRIL 2022. UCC is holding auditions for our one-act show this coming Monday December 13 and Tuesday December 14 right after school in the theatre. In order to audition YOU MUST SIGN UP using the one of the QR Code posters located in the main halls. Please ensure you sign up for one of the audition dates using this QR code by Friday December 10 – we will not able to take students in last minute on the audition days. If you have any questions please connect with Mr. Matteis or Ms. Magliaro.

Still need to purchase a Christmas present? This will be the last week before the holidays to purchase a bracelet from Life Skills. Get your order in by this Friday! Order on School Cash Online.

The Chatham Goodfellows is in need of volunteers for this FRIDAY Dec.10 – if you are interested in helping out the Goodfellows fill out the form in the ‘Guidance Update’ group of your Edsby accounts.

Attention Girls UCC Hockey players, a reminder that eligibility and driver forms need to be submitted to Mr. Wright, Mr. King or Ms. Balkwill as soon as possible. Team fees also need to be paid on School Cash Online. We need to have these forms handed in and fees paid before our game on Wednesday or you will not be allowed to play.

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UCC Calendar