Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Monday, February 14th, 2022

The UCCares club will be meeting this Thursday, after school, in room 808. We welcome all returning members and encourage new students to join.

Last chance to sign up for the cheer pom squad tryouts. Sign up will be taken down today after school. Come out and show off your dance, jumps, turns and motion. Find information on the Lancer News bulletin Boards!

Attention curlers. Practice will be held today after school until 4:00 at the curling club in Chatham. Make sure to bring ID and fill out Covid screening when entering the club. Contact Mr. Teeuwen or Ms. Bos if you have any questions.

Games Club is back and running Tuesday Feb 15th in room 103. Hope to see you there!

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UCC Calendar