Hey Lancers. The Breakfast Program will be starting back up in Room 808. If you forget to pack a lunch or missed the most important meal of the day, stop by the Food room before 8:00AM to pick up a nutrition snack.
Tryouts for UCC's Cheer Pom Squad take place on Tuesday, Feb. 15. Scan the QR code for information and to sign up! Talk to Mrs. Dunlop if you have any questions. Go Lancers Go!
Attention yearbook club members! We will be meeting Monday, February 14th at 2:20 in the communications room. Please plan to attend.
This is a reminder to all students: yearbooks are available for purchase now until March 31st! Don't forget to buy your copy before it is too late! Once yearbooks are ordered, there will be NO other opportunities to purchase one.
Thursday, February 10, 2022 8:29:00 AM