Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Wednesday, November 9th, 2022

Picture retakes are this Friday, November 11th in the new caf. Please see the poster on the Lancer News Bulletin Board for times.

Junior Reach for the Top is cancelled on Thursday this week due to Parent Teacher Interviews. You are invited to attend Wednesday instead (if you can make it)

It's Wednesday! That means it's time to grab your rosary and head to the chapel at each lunch. As always, all staff and students are invited to attend!

Attention: Grade 12 Graduating students. The University of Guelph Humber will be at UCC on Tuesday, November 15th. Please sign up in Guidance to attend the information session.

The curtains are drawn, the lights are on and the stage is empty! But not for long! Today after school the drama club starts. See you on the stage, remember to grab a late pass from the office if you need one.

Attention all gr.11 and gr. 12 UCC students! Semi-Formal will be held at Retro Suites on Thursday, November 17th from 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm. Tickets are available to gr.11 and gr.12 UCC students only. The entrance fee is $15. Only 200 tickets are available to purchase on a first-come first-serve basis so be sure to purchase your ticket on School Cash Online ASAP! Pizza, Chips and pop will be available to purchase at the venue.

The Senior Boys Volleyball Team defeated Northern 3-0 last night in the LKSSAA semifinals. Players of the night were Luke C, Rees E & Tyler C. The Seniors take on CKSS Friday night at 7pm at home. Come early to get a seat. This is the 18th year in a row UCC and CKSS have played in the senior boys finals against each other.

ESports will be running today for all members who have signed up. Please meet in the cafeteria after school. See Mr. Teeuwen or Mr. Rivard if you have any questions

Lancer Baseball players are reminded to return their uniforms to room 502 this week.

The junior boys volleyball team defeated CKSS in a sweep of three straight sets last night in the LKSSA semi finals here at UCC. The boys will head to St Pat's in Sarnia on Friday to take on the Fighting Irish in the LKSAA championship. The team would like to thank all the staff and students who came to support, as well as Audrey and Sadie for scorekeeping. Congratulations boys - Mr. Jones and Mrs. Sanford are proud of you!

Girls hockey tryouts begin tonight at 3:30 at Memorial Arena. If you have any questions or concerns please let Mr Wright, Ms Balkwill or Mr King know.

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