Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Friday, November 25th, 2022

The Library will be closed at 3:00 pm today.

Hey Lancers. Volunteers are needed. Merry Magic CK is a non profit event supporting school nutrition programs like the UCC Breakfast program. They will be hosting a volunteer night on Tuesday Nov 29 for students and staff. The Merry Magic event will run December 1-11th at the glasshouse nursery and at the Chatham Armouries December 13th-18th. If you are interested in volunteering or more information please see Cathy Staal in Guidance. Google merry magic event.com for more information. Your help is appreciated!

Reminder to ALL Gr.9 students to check your emails daily for a scheduled appointment to meet with your guidance counsellor. When you receive an appointment notice come meet with your counsellor in the guidance department.

Tis the season to volunteer! Chatham Goodfellows is in need of volunteers throughout the month of December – a variety of opportunities are available including street sales and toy or hamper packing. You can sign up to volunteer by going to their website – chathamgoodfellows.ca

The Knights of Columbus are thrilled to offer a Bursary Opportunity to any graduating Grade 12 students. Interested applicants are asked to submit a 500-750 word essay by December 9th answering the question: How do your actions at home, in the school and in the community show the world that you believe in the Good News of Jesus as it is taught in your classes at UCC?

Entries will be reviewed by a small number of Knights and Teachers and the winner will receive a $500 Knights of Columbus Bursary. Submissions can be made to your English or Religion Teacher as well as Mr. Culverwell. Any questions please see Mr. Culverwell in room 103.

In support of the Life-Skills program, students have made bracelets to represent the Fruits of the Spirit. All proceeds and funds will go towards the Life-Skills room. There are 6 different bracelets representing: Joy, Love, Gentleness, Kindness, Faithfulness and Patience. All staff and students can purchase bracelets on School-Cash Online. The cut off for orders will be December 19th. Email Ms. Boss or Mr. Teeuwen if you have any questions.

Have you ever asked your parents what books they read in Highschool? If they can manage to remember the title, it’s very likely they forgot the rest of the story. Now have you ever asked them about their yearbook? There’s a 99% chance they remember that book. These are just facts. You can get your yearbook on school cash online now! It is open to all grades and will be $40 until November 30th and $45 after Nov. 30th. There’s every reason to get a yearbook, so no excuses!!

A reminder to the boys hockey team that we have a brief meeting right after announcements today. In room 504.

Curling tryouts will continue this Friday, November 25th. If you are interested in trying out please sign up by scanning the QR codes located on the “Lancer News” boards. Tryouts will take place at the Chatham Granite Club at 2:30. Please bring clean running shoes. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Houston or Mr. Whyte.

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