Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Monday, November 28, 2022

A big shout out and congratulations goes to half of the grade 10 students that wrote the OSSLT. FANTASTIC work everyone!! Results will be released mid February. If you were absent due to illness, please check your email for a message from Ms. Magliaro regarding your makeup date on Nov. 29th. Another reminder goes out to any seniors who will be writing on December 1st in Lancer Commons. Check your email for details. Keep up the good work Lancers!

ATTENTION ALL DRAMA CLUB MEMBERS - reminder to go into the google classroom and fill out the form for the Christmas skit selection! Skits will be assigned to actors and posted in the google classroom and rehearsals will start THIS WEDNESDAY after school on the stage directors and stage hands are also needed

Gaming fans...games club running tonight in room 103 from 2:30-4:00...New members welcome!

Yearbook club meets today after school!

ART CLUB will meet tonight in room 920. See you soon!

In support of the Life-Skills program, students have made bracelets to represent the Fruits of the Spirit. All proceeds and funds will go towards the Life-Skills room. There are 6 different bracelets representing: Joy, Love, Gentleness, Kindness, Faithfulness and Patience. All staff and students can purchase bracelets on School Cash Online. The cut off for orders will be December 19th. Email Ms. Boss or Mr. Teeuwen if you have any questions.

Tis the season to volunteer! Chatham Goodfellows is in need of volunteers throughout the month of December – a variety of opportunities area available including street sales and toy or hamper packing. You can sign up too volunteer by going to their website – chathamgoodfellows.ca

The senior boys basketball team won their first tournament of the season this weekend. The team dominated their opponents on both sides of the floor averaging 87 points over three games and holding their opponents to an average of 43 points. Noah D was aggressive all weekend and Jaxen B was outstanding on defense and offense. CJ R was a tournament all star and Caleb R was the tournament MVP. The Lancers play at home this upcoming weekend so make sure to come out and watch this outstanding team!

The senior boys volleyball team would like to thank the many Lancer fans that messaged us and supported us by watching our games at OFSAA last week. We felt the Lancer Pride & Support from 6 hours away and we fought hard with you behind us. Although we lost out to eventual Gold and Silver Medalists we had a fantastic run and pushed the top two teams in the province to the limit. Thank you to the boys for a great season. We played 99 sets and only lost 4 matches all year!! We were one of the top 5 teams in the province!! An incredible season!!

Girls Hockey will have their final tryouts on Wednesday at 3:30pm at Memorial. Please let Mr. Wright, Ms. Balkwill or Mr. King know if you are unable to attend.


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