Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Monday, March 6th, 2023

Course selections for the 2023-24 school year are now open in myBlueprint. Your guidance counsellors will be visiting your classes over the next week to guide you through picking courses for the upcoming school year. If you have a spare period or you are taking an elearning course this semester, counsellors will be available in the LANCER COMMONS on Tuesday March 7 during all 4 periods to assist with your course selections – make sure to meet with us there. A reminder to everyone that course selections must be submitted through myBlueprint by Friday March 10.

CONGRATULATIONS goes out to all actors that tried out to be part of the One Act Play: TEACHERS. The final list of cast and crew has been posted in the google classroom and on the doors going into the theatre. THIS WEDNESDAY Everyone is asked to be on the stage for the cast and crew meet and greet, and for our first cast read through.

Congratulations to the following members of the senior badminton team on their third place finish at the ESPC Team Tournament; Jack C, Spencer R, Reece C and Anna D!!! Way to go Lancers! Try-outs continue tonight at 2:30pm!

Come one come all to the foods room on all three lunches for a delicious burger on March 8th that’s Wednesday March 8th. Burger pop and chips $7.00; Cheese burger pop and chips $8.00; Bacon cheese burger pop and chips $10.00.

Games Club 2:30-4:00 in 103. See you there!

Anyone from Kdwin Zhinwaak that has a permission form signed for Tuesdays field trip NEEDS to bring it today to Mrs Fernandes or Mr Malette.

Badminton tryouts resume today after school. Seniors at 2:30 and Juniors at 4pm. Contact coaches via email if you cannot attend.

All Grade 12 Classes please take 5 minutes to complete a grad survey for the yearbook. Period 1 classroom teachers will share the link or QR code with you. Thank you! Yearbook club will meet today at 2:30

Yesterday 3 students from UCC ran a half marathon in Burlington (that’s 21 km’s). If you happen to see Eric W, Grace H or Ashlyn B today make sure to congratulate them on their half marathon finish. They have been training since the start of January. Eric won his age division in 1 hour and 31 minutes. Ashlyn was 10th in her age division in 2 hrs even and Grace was 11th in her age division in 2 hrs and 1 minute. Am impressive accomplishment for anyone.

UCC's very own Abby S won a Bronze medal at the Canada Winter games over the weekend representing Team Ontario for Women's Ice Hockey. Abby Scored 6 goals and had 2 assists over 6 games including one in the semifinals and finals which had her in a tie for second in goals scored in the tournament. Great job Abby!!!

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