There will be a Wellness Team Meeting tonight after school in room 201. Please bring either a chromebook or something to draw and colour with. See you then!
Any students looking for volunteer service hours have lots of opportunities coming up:
The RetroFest Committee and Thamesville Threshing Festival are looking for volunteers to help with their upcoming events in May and June. Scan the QR codes posted on the main hall info boards or come to guidance to get more information and to signup.
The Active Lifestyle Centre is looking for student volunteers this weekend to help with a Coin Show on Sunday April 23. Check out the Guidance update group in Edsby or come to Guidance for more info.
FlashBack runs again this Friday. Live interviews, Sports roundup, Teacher of the Week. This Friday covers the last two weeks. Teachers email clips pics and summaries to Deacon Raymond by ASAP to be scheduled into the line up for this week. Friday at 2pm.
Thursday, April 20, 2023 8:38:00 AM