A few reminders for Gr.9 and gr.10 Lancers attending Semi-Formal tonight! Student Council asks that all students who have purchased Semi-Formal tickets bring their Student ID with them tonight and enter at the back doors of Retro Suites. You cannot enter without your student ID. If you do not have student ID please see Mrs Thomas or Mrs Lacina today! Another tidbit of info. - only small purses are allowed,no bags, and will be checked before entry. Bring cash or debit for snacks and drinks if you wish - don't expect to use Apple Pay because their machine doesn't accept it.
Today is the last chance to grab yourself a limited edition ESports spirit wear hoodie or t-shirt. All orders must be in by 2:20. Purchase yours now on school cash online.
Still thinking about dual credit spring fast track? Stop by and see Ms Kearns in the co-op office for more information.
Are you interested in military co-op next year? If so, please sign up in the co-op office (which is across from room 502) by next Thursday.
Got Talent...We want to see it! Auditions for the Talent show take place next Wednesday in the theatre. Sign up using the QR code. Information is on the main hall bulletin boards. Be brave and share your talent!
Attention graduating students, the event of the year is nearing .... PROM! Tickets are now on sale until May 12th via cashonline for $55 a ticket. Each student is allowed 2 tickets, self and guest. Prom is Friday, June 9th. Don't miss out on this AMAZING night celebrating under the STARS and creating memories that are sure to last a lifetime.
Attention all Gr.10’s – the guidance team is meeting with all their grade 10 students over the next few weeks, please check your emails daily to get your appointment time!
Attention to all graduating Lancers, are you looking for some extra money to help with your post high school plans? Do you have type one diabetes and plan to graduate this school year? The Carlo Rossini Memorial Diabetes Foundation has a $2000 bursary available to you. If you are interested in more information, email Mrs Fernandes or see her in room 919.