Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Tuesday, October 10th. 2023

Attention all students who have returned permission slips to attend the college information program in Ridgetown. Please meet in the main office foyer at 9:00 today! The bus will be learning at 9:15 sharp!

Hey there singers and musicians! The next Eclectic Java Coffee House show is November 3. Practice your music and sign up for your audition! Auditions are October 24 and 25. See the posters for more info!

Reminder to students who signed up for the University of Guelph presentation: it's today @ 1 pm in the NEW CAF.

Attention grade 10, 11, and 12 students interested in writing the Canadian Intermediate and Senior Math Contest put on by the University of Waterloo. The contest will take place on November 15th, but they need to be ordered soon. If you are interested, please see Mr. Rivard in the math office (room 302) at lunch or after school this week to sign up or to get more details.

Grade 9s! If you like games and space, you're going to love the Lunar Rover Research Challenge! Part board game, part science mission... we're competing against teams across Canada for the prize of meeting aerospace industry experts and remotely controlling the prototype of the rover that's going to the Moon! Scan the QR codes on posters around the school to sign up. See Mrs. Brosseau in Room 910 if you have any questions.

Games Club kicks off Monday Oct 16th. Whatever tabletop game you are interested in..bring it along and some friends too to room 103 after school next Monday. Hope to see you there!

A reminder that the writing team of NTS will be meeting in room 816, the drama room, right after school today.

Art club will meet tonight

Tomorrow after school, join the UCC United Alliance as we gather spooky stories from around the world to get ready for United Halloween. Meeting is in room 919 right after school.

A reminder that yearbook club meets today in room 808. See you after school!

Last Wednesday, the Junior Boys Football team won their season opener against the team down the road 16-6. The Lancer offense was highlighted by Royce B's touchdown pass to Logan H and a tough touchdown run by Dacian P-V to go along with his interception. The defense was led by the fumble recoveries of Chace S and Cole K. Jude S and 2 sacks and Jayden A's 100% certified pick sealed the win. GO BLUE!

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