Midterm report cards were distributed on period 4 on Friday April 26 – if you have a spare or elearning period during period 4 you can pickup your midterm report card from guidance.
Reminder to ALL students that purchased a ticket to the SOLD OUT Matilda buyout on Friday May 3 – you can pick up your ticket to the show during your lunch today or tomorrow at a booth setup outside the main cafeteria. You must have already paid for the buyout at schoolcashonline in order to receive a ticket – there are no more tickets available to purchase.
Attention Senior boys soccer team… please meet outside the Phys Ed office today after announcements for a brief 2 minute meeting.
Mr. Whyte's 3rd period class is to take second lunch today. Class begins at 11:01.
“Lancers! Are you interested in playing intramural sports with your friends? Sign-ups begin next week for a variety of sports that you can play on your lunch!”
A reminder that the Weese Scholarship essay is due to guidance Friday, May 3 by the end of the day.
ART CL:UB is cancelled tonight. We will meet next week.
Attention Senior boys soccer team… please meet outside the Phys Ed office today after announcements for a brief 2 minute meeting.