Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Monday, May 13, 2024

All students interested in summer co op are asked to meet in Room 105 on Wednesday May 15 right after these announcements.

Are you looking to boost your mental health and wellbeing? Do you like winning prizes? Stop by the UCC Wellness Fair in the new caf on Monday May 13 during your lunch. Here you will find resources from both the school board and the community to support your wellbeing. Take a couple seconds to fill out a passport and survey and be entered in to win some amazing prizes like passes to Barnetti's Arcade. See you there!

This week we are celebrating Mental Wellness Week! To kick off the week, try to care for your mental health like you do your physical health. Focus on doing one positive action today that impacts another person. It will make you feel better too! Healing activities allow us the chance to notice everything that exists around us and how pleasant it can be. Creativity can be a method for processing difficult feelings and releasing those feelings through a healing process.

Grade 9 girls who signed up for this year's Hackergal, this is a reminder about tomorrow's lunch meeting in room 305. Please check your school email for important info that was sent to you last week!

Eclectric (not electric) Java 18, the Coffee House for all kinds of music, is less than a month away, on June 12. Practice your music and sign up for your audition now! Auditions are June 3 - check the bulletin boards to sign up. See Mr. Brown for more information.

Oops! Missed Mother's Day? Don't wilt under the pressure! 🌱🌸 Join the UCC Environmental Club this Wednesday, May 15th, during both lunch periods and after school for our budget-friendly plant sale bonanza! From veggies to herbs to flowers, everything's priced $1 to $10, because hey, even your wallet deserves to bloom. See you there, green thumbs.

Today is Wellness Day! Make sure to stop by the cafeteria during your lunch to pick up a healthy snack and enter a raffle for the chance to win a free 12 week introduction to Tai Chi program.

Calling all changemakers, cultural enthusiasts, and visionaries!

Are you ready to celebrate diversity and embrace unity like never before? The United Alliance invites YOU to join forces and shape the upcoming Multiculturalism Week at our school! We're on a mission to ensure that every culture, tradition, and story is honored and celebrated. No matter where you come from or how you identify, your presence is invaluable and needed.

Join UNITED ALLIANCE this Wednesday after school in room 919 to help plan and prepare for multiculturalism week ! EVERYONE is needed, new members welcome.

This is a reminder to members of the girls slow pitch team that there is a practice immediately after school at Lions Park.

Yearbook club will meet this Tuesday. See you tomorrow.

Just a reminder to Grade 12 students interested in applying for Valedictorian---applications are in the Guidance office. See Ms. Bromley with any questions.

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