Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Another beautiful game played by our girls soccer team! The team showed up and played with heart at yesterday's semi finals game. It all started with a beautiful ball rolling and finding the foot of Sierra L., where she struck the ball in the back of the net. Soon after, Sierra L. had another opportunity outside the box where she buried the ball into the net. During the second half, Abby S. was making a hard run up the right side and found a corner to secure the W! Practice makes perfect! We couldn't have done it without our goalies Rowan G. and Dalia B. and our steel curtain of defense. We hope to see you out there on Friday afternoon to cheer on the girls soccer team for the LKSSAA finals!

The Senior Boys soccer team won their playoff semi-final last night, in a 2-0 win over CK at home. Rees E. got the Lancers on the scoresheet, calmly putting the ball in from the penalty spot. Quinn B. doubled the Lancer lead in the first half with a nice header off a corner kick. The Lancer Defense stood tall, winning every ball in the air, locking it down and Jake A. came away with the shutout. The boys take on Sarnia Northern on Friday night after school for the LKSSAA championship. It is a playoff championship double header as the Senior Girls also take on Northern at home. Come on out and support! Gooooo Lancers!!!!

The boys rugby team will try hard against GLSS on our field today at 4pm. Come out and support the guys as UCC hosts its first semi-final in over 10 years! This is when you get to be Lancer LOUD!

The warm weather is finally here and summer is in the air. Refresh yourself every morning with LANCER BREW. For only $2, get an iced coffee or $1.50 for a lemonade, delivered to your first period class. Make sure to put your orders in following announcements each morning.

Attention all grade 12's attending Prom, tickets are available for pick up all this week during your lunch in the hallway by the new cafeteria. Please bring your permission form signed in order to pick up your ticket and select your table.

Just a reminder to any Grade 12 students interested in applying to be valedictorian, applications are due to Guidance this coming Friday. Live your best life graduates!

Graduating students are invited to apply for the 2024 Lancer award. If you have contributed to Lancer extracurriculars and activities over the past 4 years, apply by scanning the QR code on the Lancer award posters. See Mr McCabe or Ms Kearns if you have any questions.

Could the students interested in summer co-op please meet in room 105 after the announcements on Friday, May 24th. Bring your signed forms.

Reminder to all United Alliance members, we will be meeting after school to finalize plans and prepare for multiculturalism week. Please meet in room 919 after school and bring a friend! Everyone is welcome.

There will be drop in today with Amanda in 901 during both lunches. Hope to see you there!

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