Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Photo of Ursuline College

Principal: Lisa Harnarine

Vice Principal: Tiffany Clarke

Vice Principal: Peter Cowan

Vice Principal: Katie Simon

Phone: (519) 351-2987

Fax: (519) 351-0283


To Report an Absence call
519-351-2987 Ext 25418


Bullying Prevention Plan for Safe and Mentally Healthy Schools


Bell Times


GRADE 10 / 12

Period 1

8:10 – 9:32 am

Period 2

9:38 – 10:53 am


10:53 – 11:33 am

Period 3

11:39 am – 12:54 pm

Period 4

1:00 – 2:15pm


GRADE 9 / 11

Period 1

8:10 – 9:32 am

Period 2

9:38 – 10:53 am

Period 3

10:59 am – 12:14 pm


12:14 – 12:54 pm

Period 4

1:00 – 2:15 pm


School Year Calendar 2024-25


We are in School Bus Zones
5, 6, 7 and 8


Learning at Home

Pathways To Careers Evening



UCC's Pathways to Careers night is on Nov 29 at 6:30 in our theatre.


This will be an exciting opportunity to explore various program pathways and career opportunities.


We will have over 30 employers, UCC staff members, as well as college and university representatives who will be available to speak to you about your child’s future career options.

We hope that you will be able to join us!

Midterm Time At UCC

This morning I am looking out my office window and I watch a light snowfall dust our courtyard, I am surprised by the pace at which this school year unfolded.  It is the middle of November which marks the half way point to our semester.   So many amazing things have happened this semester and more continue to be planned on the horizon.  Earlier this month we celebrated Remembrance Day with a reverent and moving ceremony thanks to the help of Mr. Dula, Ms. Dunlop, Mr. Brown and Mr. Milner.  Along with their student’s active participation, our school community was reminded of our need to gather as a school family, reflect on the past, and remember the sacrifices of so many.  We are blessed to know and enjoy many freedoms today as a result of the service of many before us. 

Later this week, staff will distribute report cards to their students.  As I reviewed the reports I was impressed with the academic achievement of so many students across all grades.  I’m very proud of the dedication so many students put into their studies.  Please check with your student to see their reports by the November 16th.

The teaching staff have been engaged in professional development opportunities to learn with their peers, and receive support offered from our curriculum team.  School and Department Improvement Planning has been ongoing exploring how to improve achievement, close the gap between academic and applied success, as well as creating rich tasks that promote 21 century competencies.  We all want to see the intellectual engagement of our students.

With eight weeks left to final exams there is still time for improvements in achievement, participation in extra-curricular events and positive relationships to be developed.  I continue to encourage parents to have conversations with your children to remain knowledgeable as to how their year is progressing.  I urge you to keep in contact with teachers and administration should concerns arise.  Watch our school calendar for important dates to join us throughout the year.

We are pleased with the amazing work being done by staff and students and thank you for your support along the way.  Enjoy the rest of the semester.

Lancer Loud.  Lancer Proud!

Ray Power


Parent-Teacher Interviews

All UCC families are reminded of first semester parent-teacher interviews which are on Thursday, Nov. 1 from 4 pm to 7 pm.  Hope to see you there. 

Appointments are not required.



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