Monday, June 5
EQAO – Grade 6 in the AM and PM
Monday Liturgy in the gym at 12:20pm
Track practice after school to 3:50pm
Knitting Club at the Church at Lunch time – Grade 4
Youth Group-Gr 3 &4 and 5&6 today! At the Church at 7pm
Tuesday, June 6
Ultimate Frisbee for Grade 5 students at St. Pat’s all day
Wednesday, June 7
School Mass at the Church at 9am – Students are asked to bring a donation for the St. Vincent de Paul Food Barrel
Parent Council meeting at 6:30pm
Thursday, June 8
Grade 8 year end trip
Friday, June 9
PA day – no classes today
Please click here to open the Week at a Glance for Families for June 5, 2017.