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St. Elizabeth Catholic School

1350 Bertha Ave.
Wallaceburg, Ontario N8A 3K4

Phone: (519) 627-6331 Fax: (519) 627-7203

In the spring of 2018 the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario released a Pastoral Letter for Catholic Education entitled Renewing the Promise. It can be found at this link:

The letter invites all those who share responsibility for Catholic education in Ontario to reflect on the challenges and opportunities of the present moment and offers us encouragement as we discern how the Spirit is calling us to respond.  The Bishops assert Catholic education’s role in supporting families and shaping students in their search for the hope in their hearts as they come to know and encounter Jesus through the beauty of the Gospel. The Pastoral Letter celebrates the contribution that Catholic schools make to society in partnership with families and parishes.  The letter encourages Catholic schools to continue to listen with faith and humility, as we ask how is the Spirit calling us to respond to today’s challenges and opportunities.

The Pastoral Letter shares specific reflections and encouragement with the partners in Catholic Education.  On page 17 the letter sends a message to Teachers and Education Workers. It reminds us that we are powerful witnesses to the presence of Jesus in the lives of our students, and that we provide the good soil each school day for the roots of faith to grow in our students.
The letter reminds us of the importance of a welcoming environment, listening to students’ stories and tells us to help our students discover the connection between the larger biblical story that forms us as Christians, and their own experiences. The letter calls us to create inclusive places of learning that invite and enable each child in our care to grow fully  to be all God hopes them to be. This connects beautifully to our Board Pastoral Theme “Wonderfully made”. This letter also asks us to strive to keep Jesus at the centre of our school communities, and the centre of our lives.

In honour of Thanksgiving, let us share our gratitude for Catholic Education. We are grateful because “ Catholic schools are places where children and young people may find solid and enduring values to give hope, meaning and purpose to life through an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ.” (page 15).