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St. Elizabeth Catholic School

1350 Bertha Ave.
Wallaceburg, Ontario N8A 3K4

Phone: (519) 627-6331 Fax: (519) 627-7203

Focus on Faith

April 1 starts the Easter journey for us this year.   We will continue to celebrate the Easter season until May 20, 2018.   Our culture wants us to think that Easter lasts for one weekend but our Church, in her wisdom, celebrates the resurrection of Christ for 50 days.  It is the greatest hope of our faith.  It tells us that no matter what weighs us down – deadlines, illnesses, deaths, disappointments – they are not the end of the story.   Resurrection or New Life will follow for the faithful who place their hope in Jesus.  

It is suitable then that we have changed our staff faith day to the Easter season.   During the final term of the year, when teachers and students begin counting down the days to the end of the school year, the St. Clair Catholic staff will all receive a dose of Hope.    

Renewing our Passion and Purpose is the theme of this year’s Faith Day for staff.   It is being held on the April 27th faith day.   We will be celebrating Mass together, presenting the Lighting the Way Award to exemplary staff members who were nominated by their peers and hearing from a guest speaker named Anne Jamieson.   Anne’s experience as a mom, teacher and diocesan employee, along with her sense of humour and down to earth approach to faith, will certainly make her contribution to our day both enjoyable and inspiring.