Margaret DeGurse, Principal
Dear Families,
Holy Rosary Catholic School is a small rural school within the St. Clair Catholic District School Board, situated in Wyoming, Ontario, approximately 15 minutes east of Sarnia Ontario.
On behalf of the entire school family, I would like to extend a special welcome to any new families and staff as well as to those of you returning to Holy Rosary. The start of a new school year is always an exciting time for parents and students. We have been entrusted by God to nurture our children in a positive, faith-filled learning environment. Student wellbeing, safety and high academic achievement are priorities at Holy Rosary.
Holy Rosary School is “A Caring Catholic Community Educating Learners for Life’s Challenges”. Everyone has the right to experience a safe and inclusive environment that ensures individuals are treated with dignity and respect. We understand that each student is unique and we celebrate individual qualities and gifts. Students learn the importance of living their faith and caring about one another.
The staff and I look forward to working with you and our parish community partners, as we provide our students with excellence in Catholic education, focusing on providing a variety of enriching and challenging learning experiences to enhance the development of their spiritual, physical, social, emotional and intellectual growth. Our dedicated staff actively participates in professional learning opportunities in order to remain current and knowledgeable. Our school improvement plan is an ongoing and collaborative effort to identify student learning goals and to promote high academic achievement, which prepares our students to successfully meet life’s challenges.
Communication between home and school is paramount for everyone’s success. Our school newsletter will be available on this website the first week of each month. It will contain key information about what is happening in and around our school. Each teacher will also send out classroom newsletters to update you on important happenings within the classroom, as well as outlining the curriculum and faith focus. Whenever you have a question, concern, or great idea, please feel free to contact the school, visit or email. We are pleased to have the opportunity to work in partnership with you, to make Holy Rosary the best learning place it can be!
The Holy Rosary Catholic School Advisory Council warmly welcomes new members. We encourage you to become part of a team that works with the school to organize events and fundraisers to enhance the experiences of all our children. We very much appreciate your support.
I consider it a privilege to serve such a great school in my role as principal. I am proud of our school’s many accomplishments and will continue to remain committed and dedicated to our school vision and mission. I look forward to continued success in the new school year and would like to thank everyone for their enthusiasm and support.